Spring Garden Fundraiser—Order Now!

Spring is nearly here! Get a head start on your yard and garden while supporting ICCSD music students and teachers.

If you need soil, mulch, weed control, and hanging plants, visit our ordering page at https://iowacitymusicauxiliary.org/2022-spring-garden-fundraiser.

Students and parents, to help distribute garden supplies in April, sign up here: www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D48AAA923AAFA7-2022.

Thank you for your support!

Music Auxiliary garden sale

Photo by Alena Koval from Pexels.

Logo Design Contest: Winner selected!

Presenting the new Iowa City Music Auxiliary logo!

During the school closure last March-April, we held a contest for ICCSD students to design a new logo for the Music Auxiliary. We received several wonderful submissions from across the district, and a winner has been selected.

Congratulations and thank you to Angelica Hamilton from South East Junior High! This fantastic logo is already in use in our letters and web/social media pages.


Car Wash: August 2020 – Canceled

In light of continued uncertainties regarding the pandemic and how the school opening will unfold this year, we are postponing the Iowa City Music Auxiliary Annual Car Wash, which had been scheduled for August 29th.

Many thanks to all who had signed for this undertaking. Hopefully we’ll be able to proceed later during the school year, once conditions are again safe. Stay Tuned!